5 Things Our Dad Taught Us - CharroAzteca.com

5 Things Our Dad Taught Us

5 Things Our Dad Taught Us

Our Father's Day Blog

  1. Work smart AND hard.

Our dad immigrated to Los Angeles from Mexico when he was around my age, 22 years old. He stopped studying at the age of 8 to help support his family, and has never stopped working since. This means he never got the chance to pursue an education, especially after starting a family at 22. We witnessed him work long hours, sometimes even graveyard shifts to provide for us. One thing he always told us was that finishing school was important because it taught us skills so that we would not have to work tough jobs for little pay, like he did. That is something that always resonated with us and has encouraged us to try our best to make him proud.

  1. Good Work Ethic and Reliability

My dad has always had one of the best work ethics I have ever seen in anyone and is one of the most reliable people I know. In over his 30 years of working here in the United States, I don’t remember ever seeing him stay home even if he was sick, or even be late to work, despite having hardly slept. He puts providing for his family first on his list of priorities.

  1. Family Comes First

Although moving to the United States meant leaving his own parents behind in Mexico, my dad never forgot to take care of them. Before they passed, he called them daily, made sure all their expenses were covered, and that they were always healthy, well-fed, and in no need of anything. Not only did he make sure his parents were okay from thousands of miles away, he always made sure all three of his kids always had everything they needed. Whatever we ever needed, he made sure to get for us.

  1. How to be Generous

Although he didn’t make a lot of money, if there was ever anyone in need, my dad always tried to help. He donated to hospitals, kids in other countries, and if there was anyone on the streets who needed food or money, he made sure to help if he could. He always told us that although we may not be rich, there was always other people who weren’t as blessed as we were. He always said if we give to those in need, then God would repay us.

  1. Always, always, always have back-up savings!

This seems obvious, but my dad always showed us the importance of saving money for an emergency. Although he never made a whole lot of money, he was smart and knew to put away a part of his paycheck away in case he ever needed it. For me though, saving money doesn’t come so easily, so that’s something I continue to learn from him.
By Daisy Galvez

What are some lessons your dad has taught you?

Don’t forget that Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 17! Get your dad a gift that will hit close to home.

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